We have recently been alerted that a spammer has been misusing excerpts of our content and using our ajc.com email addresses as the "reply-to" to generate spam emails. Our security team is urgently working to identify the person or persons involved to stop the scam emails.
We strongly advise you to report any such emails as spam using your email provider’s built-in functionality, then delete the email(s). PLEASE DO NOT CLICK THE UNSUBSCRIBE OR ANY OTHER LINKS IN THE EMAIL, and under no circumstances should you order anything from their embedded links. Clicking the links confirms for the spammer that your email address is valid and could further exacerbate the problem. If you have purchased a product from one of these scam emails, please contact your credit card provider and have the charge denied. These charges will not show up as AJC charges since they are not from us.
We know your time is valuable. That’s why we only provides content-specific emails as requested and consented to by our readers. These emails (or newsletters) can be managed by the recipient at any time by going to ajc.com/newsletters. If you do not have a login or registration with ajc.com, you will not receive newsletters from us. We’re sorry for the inconvenience this has caused and we’re working diligently to stop this uncondoned use of our content and brand.
AJC Customer Service
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