We have received a request from you to remove or modify content on AJC.com.
We are reluctant to remove content because we are guided by a duty to inform the public of newsworthy events. That duty discourages removing or unpublishing content in the public record. So even in rare cases when content is removed from AJC.com, we do not remove content from our archives.
If an article is factually inaccurate, we are happy to correct it and tell readers that we have done so. If relevant new information has emerged since the article was posted, we will consider an update or editor’s note explaining that to readers. To request a correction or update on a recent story, contact the reporter whose byline is linked to the story on AJC.com.
We will, under limited circumstances, consider updating or removing content from active pages on ajc.com so that it is no longer searchable outside of our archives. Those circumstances include when a criminal arrest record has been restricted under Georgia law. For a request to be considered, documentation of records restriction is required.
Content removal is not an option in the following types of circumstances.
- Criminal charges alleging violence
- Criminal charges alleging sexual assault
- Criminal charges alleging crimes against particularly vulnerable victims or multiple potential victims
- Criminal charges following actions of a particularly public nature or actions that are the subject of numerous news stories
- Criminal charges or other official proceedings brought against a public official or elected official
- Criminal charges or other official proceedings such as an investigation or disciplinary action of a public employee for actions conducted in his or her official capacity as a public employee
In cases where we decline to remove content, we are willing to update the story with subsequent court action or results of record restriction. But be aware that the update may raise the visibility of the original story in search results. In rare cases, we may decide a story update is the only way to serve the public interest.
Your request will be considered within a month of submission. A committee of journalists will determine whether the potential of damage to an individual outweighs our duty to inform the public. Submit your request here: https://ajcnews.wufoo.com/forms/content-modification-request/
You should receive a response within six weeks of consideration, often less. We are unable to expedite requests. If you have questions, email contentrequest@ajc.com.
NOTE: We cannot take responsibility for search engines and other websites that may have picked up content from AJC.com. In general, if a story is removed from AJC.com’s active pages, it eventually is dropped from the major search engines, but we can provide no guarantees that will occur. We cannot assist you with content removal from search engines.
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